Monetization Channels and Metagame Support

Recharge modes

The game offers more monetization mechanics than a basic premium currency shop. Players may achieve additional benefits either through market-standard mechanics like the VIP system or through additional benefits, which are either laddered and/or reset every event cycle.


A seemingly complete meta may leave spots for additional mini-modes slightly enhancing the experience, e.g. specific timed events, offline mechanics, or even mini-games.


A gotcha lottery is, by genre standards, the main Premium Currency sink. Players use it to gather powerful Gear. However, the pull should provide a solid, polished excitement-driven experience of drawing by random chance. In turn, the gotcha pull should become fun of its own, above the main power-driven motivation in hunting for the most powerful Gear. Finally, pulling should become a habit, enforcing the drive for monetization.

In-game Shop

A standard feature, gathering any form of spending cash on Currencies and bundles as well as Currencies on in-game goods. The shop should then include both direct in-apps, bundles as well as subscriptions etc.

In-game GUTs/NFTs Marketplace

The in-game marketplace is a core feature of the Play-And-Earn and Play-To-Own aspects of the game. By effectively playing the game, Players can win GUTs in the tournaments or craft them using Genesis, Premium, or Special Edition Items. Players can trade their GUTs in the marketplace in a seamless way earning $SWDTKNs.

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